Saturday, May 19, 2007

Australia Update

Hey all! Well, I had my last medical appointment to determine if I would be medically cleared to go to Australia on Tuesday, the 15th of May. The physical went well and the doctor even told me that she thought the climate there could possibly improve my condition. All was going well...and then we got called into another room. We were told that I was automatically declined medical clearance because of one of the medications that I am taking. Obviously we were devastated...but we are still working the system to see what we can do.

Yesterday, I went off the medication in question. I am definitely experiencing some more intense pain, but I don't think it is so bad that I couldn't live without the medication. We are also seeing if the medical office will wait to make a decision until we see the pain management specialist on June 11. Hopefully this will all work out...I'll write more when I know anything. Please keep praying for us in this process!


Ramona said...

Praying and anxiously awaiting good news! :), Ramona

jaime s said...

Praying and praying as well!!

You are QUITE A BLOGGER!! I just got your email today and already you've had 4 posts...with pics too!

We really enjoyed having you stay with us while Travis was away and also enjoyed getting to learn more about your treatments! Thanks for including us and letting us help out!

See you tomorrow!

Murray Sanderson said...

We are praying! I hope all is going well...going off that med must be rough. I can't imagine what you go through every day, Sarah. You are one impressive person, and I am learning a lot from you. Please continue to be open & honest with all of us.
You are loved!

Murray Sanderson said...

Ok, we're ready for an update! :)
Thanks for coming to practice last night!
